We are owned by US Personal Defense Products, the SOLE U.S. Distributor of the JPX in the U.S. and every JPX 2 and JPX 4 are all considered LAW ENFORCEMENT grade products. All of the Cartridges and internal components are the same. If any dealer in our network gives you alternative information, please call us immediately. There is no such thing as a CONSUMER MODEL of the JPX. Every gun is built to performance specifications by Piexon to keep up with the needs of Law Enforcement. Every JPX comes with a manual and you should read it carefully.
The prices on our website for JPX Pepper Guns are standard for our dealers. If a higher price is being charged for by any dealer, then we are not responsible for their comments about the product or the guarantee's that they make about the products.
These are the new Blue OC cartridges used by law enforcement. They carry 2.4% capacoids pepper spray and will fire up to 23 feet for best effectiveness. Law enforcement requested the blue color in order to combat negative media reports against police. The original Red dye can look like blood on a video and since social media ignores facts, they can use it against law enforcement to move public opinion. The BLUE looks like a paint ball hit them and social media can't attack that in any way.